24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S349–S805
the impact of event and to investigate the moderated mediation
analysis associated with their decision trust and regret.
A cross sectional study design was used to investi-
gate the impact of event and the associated HRQL in 53 WRHI
patients following severe and major hand injury. All consenting
patients completed the Impact of Event Scale Revised, the Symp-
tomChecklist-90-Revised, Decisional Trust scale, Decisional Regret
scale and Short Form-36.
Anticipated achievement
In the result of mediation analysis,
patients affected HRQL via decisional trust and decisional regret,
respectively. In addition, our data suggest that certain decisional
trust and decisional regret (partial) characteristics significantly
moderate this association. These findings may aid in the develop-
ment of clinical interventions to enhance HRQL for WRHI patients.
Overall, it is important for clinicians to consider the notion that
more decisional trust or less decisional regret may sometimes, but
not always, be better.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Domiciliary care service in psychiatry
– who’s getting our help?
I. Coelho
, G. Sobreira , J. Oliveira , F. Gomes
Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, Clinica 5 - Affective
Disorders and OCD, Lisbon, Portugal
Corresponding author.
Community psychiatry projects in Lisbon still do
not provide the necessary response; to provide care for those who
cannot reach our institution we created a domiciliary care unit,
Characterization of patients followed by PreTrarCa.
Study and define our patient-type, facilitating future refer-
Selection of all active-patients followed by PreTrarCA
in 2015 (
= 94); those with social/demographic information were
selected (
= 90). Information concerning age, gender, education,
marital status, family and social support, diagnosis and purpose
of integration were retrospectively collected. Data analyses were
performed via SPSS program.
Fifty-one percent of our population aremale, with amean
age of 58.2 years. Although most patients are single (
= 45), the
majority does not live alone (
= 54) or has a strong family sup-
port (
= 52). Regarding education, most patients had only 4 years
of scholarity (
= 16). Only 31 have an active social support, usu-
ally as a day care center (
= 4) or nursing home (
= 9). Most
patients are diagnosed with a psychotic disorder [F20–29,
= 48],
F20 (Schizophrenia) being the most common diagnosis (
= 40).
Most (
= 48) are on LAI (long-acting injectable medication) or
have supervised preparation of their weekly-fortnightly medica-
tion (
= 26). LAI is mostly given to patients with diagnosis F20–29
= 37).
Our patient-type is a middle-age, single male with
schizophrenia in need of supervision regarding medication adher-
ence (LAI/medication preparation). By recognizing our patient-type
we can more easily focus on who to help, rapidly intervening in
crisis when necessary and providing a kind of support inexistent
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
An empirical study of the working
conditions in the drug prevention
centers of Attika, Greece: New
prospects and possibilities in an era of
I. Dritsas
, M. Theodoratou , T. Margaris , S. Christodoulidis ,
O. Valsami
Tei of Western Greece, Social Work, Patras, Greece
Corresponding author.
Studies have documented that drug prevention cen-
ters in Greece have been through an era of turmoil and uncertainty
(EKTEPN, 2015, Tsounis, 2012, Kiritsi and Tsiotra, 2004) underlining
the staff’s hard work all over Greece.
The aimof this study was to investigate the effects of the
current fiscal crisis on the operating conditions as described by the
staff of the Attica substance prevention centers with the emphasis
on main problem areas and solutions.
Statistically reliable questionnaires were used by the
research team investigating participants views on the aforemen-
tioned areas of enquiry.
Two Questionnaires were administered to 59 psychol-
ogists and social workers working at the centers of Attica, Greece
during the summer of 2015.
The majority (85%) of those working at the centers men-
tioned the main problems as following:
– issues concerning the institutional role of the centers, the educa-
tion and supervision of the staff;
– fiscal issues as a result of the economic austerity, which under-
mine the operation of the centers and the morale of the staff.
Our empirical study is actually the first one which
delves into the inner workings of the drug prevention centers in
Attica, Greece:
– the extent the phenomenon of drug dependence inGreece, exam-
ining the epidemiology and the influence of the financial crisis, as
well as the strategies and action plans developed in a national and
EU level;
– themost significant innovative and standard European and Greek
prevention programs.
Finally, research methodological issues are discussed in the light of
the main findings of the empirical research.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Mobility in psychiatry: A personal
experience in Swiss addictology
C. Feteanu
Centre hospitalo-universitaire Vaudois CHUV, service de psychiatrie
communautaire, Centre Saint-Martin, Lausanne, Switzerland
Switzerland is a very attractive country for work-
force brain drain in the field of psychiatry, withwork, academic and
financial conditions identified as pull factors; resulting in long-term
migration and high level of satisfaction
[1] .Objectives
To enlight the phenomenon by reporting a personal
experience of migration from France to Switzerland for work rea-
sons as a psychiatrist.
To describe the main characteristics of the Swiss Mental
Health Care in the Canton of Vaud focused on ambulatory cares in
Self-report description from the Centre Saint-Martin for
drug addictions of the Community Psychiatry Department in Vau-
dois Teaching Hospital (CHUV) of Lausanne.
The Centre Saint-Martin is an ambulatory center provid-
ing cares, support, treatment and harm reduction for adult drug