24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348
Evaluate the association between suicidal ideation, age,
depression and physical comorbidities in a sample of acute females
psychiatric in-patients.
81 psychiatric female in-patients were evaluated dur-
ing their first day of hospitalization through MADRS, SSI and the
presence of organic comorbidity has been collected together with
demographic data. All the evaluations were carried out at the Psy-
chiatric Clinic, University of Genova, Italy.
Mean age 48 (age–range value: 74, high variability). Pear-
son’s Chi-squared test showed: significant association between SSI
and MADRS (
= 0,027; = 0,05); no association between SSI and
age (
= 0,194; =0,05); no association between SSI and presence
medical illness (
= 0,132; = 0,05); no association between SSI and
number of medical illness (
= 0,186; = 0,05).
Our results show that the levels of suicidal ideation
in psychiatric females are independent from age, presence and
number of physical comorbidities. Suicidal ideation appears to be
associated only with levels of depression. Our results challenge evi-
dence from a large number of current studies and, if confirmed by
further research, would lead to reconsider major suicide risk fac-
tors. Further research to investigate these associations on larger
samples is needed.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Information modeling of suicidal
behavior in adolescents from Far East
of Russia and Northern China
E. Solodkaia
1 ,∗
, I. Loginov
1, S. Savin
2, H. Jian
Far Eastern State Medical University, Psychiatry and Narcology,
Khabarovsk, Russia
Computer Center of FEB RAS, Laboratory of medical information,
Khabarovsk, Russia
Harbin Medical University, Psychiatry and narcology, Harbin, China
Corresponding author.
Creating information model of suicidal behavior in
adolescents from Russia and Northern China. Computer informa-
tion model of society based on the description of game-theoretic
approach to complex conflict systems.
Information modeling, ethnographic method.
A questionnaire was conducted through the process of
reverse translation for correct interpretation of specific terms. In
the Chinese group, 25% had a tendency to suicidal behavior, 34.2%
thought about the possibility of suicide. First among the factors
shaping suicidal behavior – social and economic (difficulty enter-
ing the study and employment, low social security), followed by
interpersonal factors (break with a partner), psychopathological
family history, depression, high anxiety, alcoholism and drug use,
factors social immaturity (responsibility, independence), loneli-
ness. The Russian group 20% had a tendency to suicidal behavior,
24.6% of them thought about the possibility of suicide. The main
cause of suicidal behavior in adolescents Russian – interpersonal
factor (failed love, personally-family conflict), then the conflicts
associated with antisocial behavior, and only then - the socioeco-
nomic factors (material and living difficulties, conflicts related to
education and career, drug addiction, substance abuse, anxiety dis-
orders and depression).
The method of information modeling allows to
investigate the causes of conflict between the individual teenager
using game-theoretic methods and the most effective in treating
suicidal behavior in teenagers aggressive information environment
(kiberbullies), thereby reducing the level of suicidality in adoles-
cents. Suicidal behavior among Chinese adolescents occurs because
of fear of the future, and in Russian – the past. A need for more
high-quality comprehensive prevention of suicidal behavior.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Development and psychometric
testing of the triggers of suicidal
ideation inventory for assessing older
outpatients in primary care settings
Y.F. Tsai
1 ,∗
, S.H. Lee
2, Y.W. Wang
1, Y.J. Chen
Chang Gung University, School of Nursing, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Linkou, Department of
Psychiatry, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Linkou, Department of Internal
Medicine, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan
Corresponding author.
Older adults with depression resist accepting
depression screening and seeking treatment due to stigmatization
of mental disorders and little knowledge about depression. This
studywas undertaken to develop and determine the psychometrics
of an instrument for assessing triggers of suicidal ideation among
older outpatients.
Participants were recruited from older outpatients of
two hospitals in northern Taiwan. An initial 32-item Triggers of
Suicidal Ideation Inventory (TSII) was developed, and its items
were validated by experts in two runs of Delphi technique survey.
After this TSII was pre-tested in 200 elderly outpatients, 12 items
were retained. The 12-item TSII was examined by criterion validity,
construct validity, internal consistency reliability, and test-retest
TSII scores were significantly and positively correlated
with the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (
= 0.45,
< 0.01), and
UCLA Loneliness scores (
= 0.55,
< 0.01), indicating satisfied crite-
rion validity. Participants with depressive tendency tended to have
higher TSII scores than participants with no depressive tendency
= 8.62,
< 0.01), indicating good construct validity. Cronbach’s
and the intraclass correlation coefficient for the TSII were 0.70
and 0.99 respectively, indicating acceptable internal consistency
reliability and excellent test-retest reliability. Receiver operat-
ing characteristic analysis revealed that the area under the curve
was 0.83, indicating excellent ability to detect triggers of suicidal
ideation. With a cutoff point of 2, the sensitivity and specify were
0.86 and 0.67, respectively.
The TSII can be completed in 5minutes and is
perceived as easy to complete. Moreover, the inventory yielded
highly acceptable parameters of validity and reliability.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Suicidal ideation among former
prisoners of war’s wives – a
longitudinal dyadic study
G. Zerach
1 ,∗
, Y . Levi-Belz
2 , M.Michelson
3 , Z. Solomon
Ariel University, Behavioral Sciences, Ariel, Israel
Ruppin Academic Center, Behavioral Sciences, Emek-Hefer, Israel
Ariel University, Psychology, Ariel, Israel
Tel-Aviv University, Social Work, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Corresponding author.
The long-term associations between posttraumatic
stress disorder (PTSD) and suicidal ideation (SI) among ex-prisoners
of war (ex-POWs) has recently been exemplified. Several studies
have revealed the toll of war captivity on secondary traumatization’