24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S18–S55
A graph theoretical approach was used to analyse the
connectivity in networks centered on:
– Broca’s area;
– Wernicke’s area.
Connectivity information was acquired using diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI).
Compared to healthy controls, adolescents with
schizophrenia displayed a lower average degree of connectiv-
ity with the left inferior frontal gyrus (Broca’s area). No significant
differences were found in the degree of connectivity with the right
inferior frontal gyrus and the superior temporal gyrus bilaterally
(Wernicke’s area).
The results suggest a link between schizophrenia
and impairment to areas where CDs associated with inner speech
plausibly originate.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
GRIN2B mediates susceptibility to
affective problems in children and
M. Nobile
Child Psychopathology Unit, Scientific Institute, IRCCS Eugenio
Medea, Bosisio Parini, Lecco, Italy
Association studies have implicated the N-methyl-
D-aspartate receptor 2B subunit gene (
) as candidate
for different brain illnesses, also including both internalizing
and externalizing disorders. Here, we explored the association
between selected SNPs of GRIN2B (rs5796555-/A; rs1012586C/G;
rs2268119A/T; rs2216128A/G; rs11609779C/T; rs2192973G/A)
and attention problems in children an adolescents as assessed by
CBCL 6/18 (Achenbach and Rescorla, 2001).
In a large cohort of 320 Italian nuclear families selected
from an ongoing comprehensive project on child and adolescent
psychopathology performed at two sites of our Institutes (BP and
UD), we performed a family-based association study to determine
whether the
gene influence and/or mediates susceptibility
to attention problems through time. Genetic associationwas inves-
tigated by the quantitative transmission disequilibrium test (QTDT,
version 2.5.1; Abecasis et al., 2000). Quantitative traits were ana-
lyzed using the ‘-wega’ and the ‘-ao’ options. Empirical
were computed from 10,000 Monte-Carlo permutations, and the
significance levelswere adjusted by the false discovery ratemethod
(Storey, 2002) applied to the tests performed for each marker (i.e.,
8 phenotypes) at two different point times. Latent profile analysis
was performed to assess the effect of gene on different trajecto-
ries over time. The effect of environmental determinants was also
Evidence for significant association of GRIN2B-
rs5796555-/A was found with attention problems both at first and
second evaluation. Latent profile analysis suggested significant
association with specific trajectories and specific environmental
These results provide preliminary evidence of an
association between the GRIN2B polymorphism and continuity of
attention problems throughout adolescence within an Italian pop-
ulation of referred children and adolescents, suggesting that the
genes could play a role in susceptibility to attention prob-
lems during developmental age.
Disclosure of interest
The author has not supplied his declaration
of competing interest.
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.819Biological markers of short-term and long-term
treatment outcome in mental disorders
Brain glutamate levels and
antipsychotic response in
A. Egerton
Department of Psychosis Studies, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology
and Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom
There is considerable interest in identifying biomarkers of antipsy-
chotic response in schizophrenia. Glutamate is one key candidate.
The development of brain imaging techniques for measuring brain
glutamate levels has allowed this hypothesis to be tested directly
in patients. This talk will present our ongoing research examining
the relationship between brain glutamate levels and antipsychotic
response in first-episode psychosis and in treatment-resistant
schizophrenia. I will summarise our results from both our com-
pleted and ongoing studies, to consider whether glutamate imaging
might be useful in the future to identify patients who would ben-
efit from non-dopaminergic antipsychotic drugs and inform novel,
glutamate-based, treatment strategies.
Disclosure of interest
The author has not supplied his declaration
of competing interest.
Biochemical and genetic markers in
patients with alcohol dependence and
affective disorders and their
correlation with alcohol intake
U. Preus
s 1 ,∗
, F . Wurst
Martin-Luther University, Halle-Wittenberg, Department of
Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Germany
Paracelsus University Salzburg, Psychiatry, Salzburg, Austria
Corresponding author.
Rates of comorbid affective disorders in alcohol-dependent indi-
viduals are significant. Biomarkers of alcohol use may support the
diagnosis of high and frequent alcohol use in these individuals. The
aim of these analyses of the WHO-ISBRA Study on State and Trait
Markers of Alcohol Use and Dependence is to compare biomark-
ers of alcohol use across individuals with and without comorbid
alcohol dependence and affective disorders. Significantly, higher
values of these biomarkers are hypothesized in individuals with
comorbid disorders compared to alcohol dependence only. Assess-
ment of Alcohol dependence and comorbid depression and bipolar
disorders were conducted using an adapted version of the Alco-
hol Use Disorder and Associated Disabilities Interview Schedule
(AUDADIS). Altogether,
= 1863 individuals were included into
the analyses, of whom
= 299 had a lifetime history of depres-
sion and
= 20 a bipolar disorder. Clinical characteristics like mean
alcohol intake last month and biomarkers including ASAT, GGT,
CDT, 5-HTOL/5-HIAA ratio and MAO-Activity were included into
the analyses. Results indicate that AD only subjects had higher
measures of all biomarkers compared to comorbid bipolar and
depression subjects, while the latter had a higher alcohol intake
during last month.
Since this is a cross-sectional study, conducted in emergency rooms
of several countries, this allegedly divergent result in alcohol intake
in comorbid subjects compared to higher biomarkers in AD only
subjects may indicate that drinking is more frequent in alcohol-
dependent individuals while bipolar and depressed subjects may
have more episodic pattern of alcohol intake. The latter may lead
to shorter periods of intake compared to the chronic and frequent