24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S116–S348
On September 25 at the National Congress of Psychiatry
in Santiago de Compostela, a Group of Spanish trainees founded the
SERP, organized the first Board and signed the Founding Amend-
After two previous failed attempts, finally on 25th
September 201; the Spanish Society of Psychiatry Residents (SERP)
was founded, an important part of the activity of this company is
promoting exchanges between residents of member countries in
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
www.saudemental.pt- Online Mental
Health Literacy
B. Lourenco
1 ,∗
, B. Ferreira
2, M. Gonc¸ alves
1, M.A. Nobre
Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa, CP 5, Lisbon, Portugal
USF, São João Evangelista dos Lóios, Lisboa, Portugal
Corresponding author.
Health Literacy promotes the understanding of
basic health information and services. Online health information
has been searched by 80% of the internet users, according to a 2006
survey (Fox, 2006).
www.saudemental.ptis an onlinemental health
platform, set up in 2015 by a multidisciplinary team, composed by
family physicians, psychiatrists and psychologists. It establishes a
two-way information flow, because the analysis of the users profile
and the pattern of use of the website allows future adaptations on
the communication strategy.
Objectives and aims
Understand the importance of Online Health
Literacy in psychiatric diseases. Present
www.saudemental.ptand characterize its activity during the first six months of
Review of selected literature. Descriptive statistical
analysis of the site’s activity during the first sixmonths of operation.
There is a known association between level of educa-
tion and health, and recent studies suggest that health literacy is
one of the factors that mediates this relationship (Heide, 2013).
www.saudemental.ptis a simple tool, with great potential to reach
awide audience, providing information and support to patients and
caregivers. Preliminary results suggest an average of 30 users/day
(80% new users), mainly from Portugal (79%), followed by Brazil
(5%). Themost visited content was related tomental health; anxiety
was the most consulted pathology.
Psychoeducation is an essential tool in clinical
practice. Mental Health services should seek alternative means of
information diffusion. Despite being at an early stage of implemen-
www.saudemental.pthas proved to be an effective strategy.
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
Advanced practice nursing students’
use of screening and brief
intervention in the clinical setting
A. McNelis
1 ,∗
, J. Agley
2 , J. Carlson
3 , R. Schwindt
1 , C. Clark
1 ,K. Kent
1 , K.Lay
3 , R. Gassman
2 , D.Crabb
Indiana University, Nursing, Indianapolis, USA
Indiana University, Public Health, Bloomington, USA
Indiana University, Social Work, Indianapolis, USA
Indiana University, Medicine, Indianapolis, USA
Corresponding author.
More than 30% of US adults are estimated to drink
at risky levels or meet criteria for harmful or dependent alcohol
use. Screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment (SBIRT)
in primary care settings is recommended and nurses, particu-
larly advanced practice nurses (nurse practitioners), are being
called upon to perform SBIRT for alcohol. This study assessed if
knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about SBIRT, evaluated after
a three-part, educational training, predicted whether 21 family
nurse practitioner (FNP) students screened for alcohol use during
subsequent patient encounters in their clinical practica.
Learners will be able to:
– describe the general purpose and procedures of SBIRT;
– identify three strategies for integrating SBIRT into current
practice setting.
To help in development of SBIRT skills, the Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Administration expanded training
grant opportunities in 2013, for education programs to multi-
ple groups of medical professionals. Findings from this study are
presented to show the effectiveness of the training for nursing
Immediately following training, students completed a
survey and then documented implementation of SBIRT during their
clinical practica.
Students who reported higher levels of perceived “Com-
petence” in their post-training surveys were more likely to screen
patients for alcohol use in their clinical practica settings.
Screening for alcohol use and identifying patients
at risk for or engaged in hazardous drinking meet impor-
tant NP practice competencies. Further research is needed to
explore training programs that specifically emphasize activi-
ties to increase competence, knowledge, and comfort regarding
Disclosure of interest
The authors have not supplied their decla-
ration of competing interest.
The European trainees’ perspective on
psychiatric postgraduate education:
An EFPT survey
A. Giurgiuca
1, T. Mogren
2 ,∗
, S. Tomori
3, L. Berze
4, A. Munjiza
M. Pinto da Costa
6, E.F.P.T. TEO-PC Research W
G 71
Carol Davila, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest,
Länsvuxenpsykiatri Falun/Säter, Allmänpsykiatriska kliniken, Säter,
Mother Teresa, University Hospital Center, Tirana, Albania
Rigas Stradins University, Daugavpils Psychoneurological Hospital,
Riga, Latvia
Institute of Mental Health, psychiatry, Belgrade, Serbia
Hospital de Magalhães Lemos, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
EFPT, EFPT, Brussels, Belgium
Corresponding author.
Despite efforts to unify psychiatric education
among European member countries, there are still considerable
variations betweennational training programmes. To ensure equiv-
alence of training standards the current tendency of recommended
guidelines and reports is steering psychiatric training towards
becoming more competency focused.
The research group of the European Federation of
Psychiatric Trainees (EFPT) conducted a multi-national study on
postgraduate psychiatry training. The aims are to assess the
psychiatric trainees’ experiences and opinions on their national
training and assessment methods in respect to the Union
européenne des médecins spécialistes (UEMS) 2009 competencies
This study surveyed 745 psychiatric trainees from 10
EFPT member countries using a questionnaire designed specifically
for assessing this issue.