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24th European Congress of Psychiatry / European Psychiatry 33S (2016) S5–S7


Symposium: mental health in young women: are

they more at risk in the 21st century?


Why mental health in young women

is more at risk in the 21st century

H. Herrman

Orygen – The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health

and The University of Melbourne, Centre for Youth Mental Health,

Melbourne, Australia

The mental health of women and girls is endangered when they

experience violence and gender-based discrimination, including

poor access to education and lack of autonomy in the family and

broader community. The conditions of conflict and poverty that fos-

ter violence against women, including systematic sexual violence,

are growing across some world regions including parts of Africa

and Asia, even while women are becoming more empowered in

others. The prevalence of abuse of women at home appears to be

high across the regions, and the widespread nature of other forms

of violence such as genital mutilation and trafficking is increasingly


The psychological consequences of violence increase the risk of

mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, including the risk

of these conditions in the perinatal period. The services provided

for women with mental ill health in primary health care, mater-

nal and child health services, community mental health services or

hospital settings do not in many places respond adequately to their

needs. The inadequacies in response can reproduce or amplify the

difficulties and injustices that women face in their lives, especially

maltreatment as girls and intimate partner violence as adults.

The World Psychiatric Association aims to increase awareness of

the need for improved mental health of women and girls world-

wide, especially in settings of disadvantage, conflict and adversity.

It is also aiming to work in partnership with other health and non-

health organisations to develop a platform for action to respond

to the need – for health promotion, risk reduction and access to

prevention and treatment services.

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


Early psychosis in young women

A. Riecher-Rössler

University of Basel Psychiatric Clinics, Center for Gender Research

and Early Detection, Basel, Switzerland


It is well known that young women are at lower

risk for schizophrenic psychoses than young men. However, little

is known about the peculiarities of emerging psychosis in young



To describe characteristics of emerging psychosis in



Within the FePsy (Früherkennung von Psycho-

sen = early detection of psychosis) study at the University of

Basel Psychiatric Clinics we have examined consecutively all

patients with a first episode of psychosis (FEP) or an at-risk mental

state (ARMS) referred to us between 2000 and 2015.


Women did not significantly differ from men regarding

psychopathology, neither in the ARMS nor in the FEP group. This

was true for positive as well as negative symptoms and basic symp-

toms. Interestingly, women had a higher correlation of self-rating

with observer-rating regarding psychotic symptoms. Duration of

untreated psychosis was significantly lower inwomen than inmen.

Women seek help more quickly than men and their first contact is

more often their partner.

Regarding neurocognition women showed a slightly better perfor-

mance in verbal tasks. They also had higher prolactin levels and

larger pituitary volumes, even when drug-naive.

Transition to psychosis occurred as often and as quickly in women

as in men.


There are only few gender differences in patients

with emerging psychosis, which resemble mainly those found in

the general population, withwomen showing a better help-seeking

behavior, being more partner-oriented, having a better verbal per-

formance and potentially also a higher stress reactivity

[1] .

Disclosure of interest

The author has not supplied his declaration

of competing interest.


[1] Riecher-Rössler A, et al. Biol Psychiatry 2009;66(11):1023–30.

Symposium: brain plasticity in psychiatry


Relevance of brain plasticity to

neuroprogression and staging of

bipolar disorders – opposing effects

of illness burden and lithium


T. Hajek

1 , 2 ,

, M. Kopecek


, M. Alda



Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada


National Institute of Mental Health of Czech Republic, Psychiatry,

Klecany, Czech Republic

Corresponding author.


Brain changes in bipolar disorders (BD) may rep-

resent inherited risk factors or consequences of the illness (brain

plasticity). Neuroanatomical changes, which predispose for BD

could aid in early diagnosis, whereas the neuronal sequellae of

BD could yield biological outcome measures for prevention and



To separate neuroanatomical changes into those that

increase the risk of BD versus those that result from it, we acquired

MRI/clinical data fromparticipants at different stages of BD, includ-

ing: (1) affected and unaffected offspring of bipolar parents (


= 86);

(2) participantswith substantial illness burdenwho had had at least

2 years of current Li treatment (


= 37) or were Li naive (


= 19). We

also recruited 99 healthy controlsmatched to the above-mentioned

cohorts by age and sex.


Relative to controls, both the affected and unaffected off-

pring of bipolar probands showed increased right inferior frontal

gyrus (rIFG) volume, but comparable hippocampal volumes and



-acetyl aspartate (NAA) levels. Larger rIFG volume was

associatedwith an increased risk of conversion to psychiatric disor-

ders within 4 years following the MRI scanning (hazard ratio = 4.5).

In contrast, Li naive patients with substantial illness burden had

smaller rIFG, hippocampal volumes and prefrontal NAA levels than

controls, whowere comparable in these indices to the the Li treated

subjects with substantial illness burden.


Brain structural changes in BD may not be static, but

may instead result from an interplay between illness burden and

compensatory processes. This illness related brain plasticity may

be modulated by lithium treatment.

Disclosure of interest

The authors have not supplied his declara-

tion of competing interest.